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Automatic Signature Capture and Verification

At DATAVISION IMAGE LLC, we understand the importance of protecting your business from fraud. That's why we are proud to offer our new automatic signature capture and verification system, an innovative solution that captures and reviews every signature on every check automatically, without any manual labor. Our system ensures that every signature is authentic and eliminates the risk of fraudulent activities, giving you peace of mind. With our signature verification system, you can trust that your business is protected from potential losses due to fraud.

Fox News recently reported in November 2023 that check fraud has doubled in the last few years. Couple that with a volume of over 11 billion checks written annually and it's easy to see why an automatic system is so important.

Watch this 9 1/2 minute overview of the ASCV system in action!


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The Automatic Signature Capture and Verification System is affordable, completely automatic., does not require manual labor and will save you money starting the first month! 

1. New accounts are set up automatically

2. Signature are captured and reviewed for authenticity automatically

3. Reports of suspicious checks are prepared automatically.

4. Setup generates a database on your desktop computer automatically

5. All installation is done by DATAVISION, takes usually under 5 minutes and is included in the price

6. System can be purchased or rented

7. 30 day money back guarantee.

Suspicious checks are listed and are either approved or rejected by a supervisor with a simple one button push. All signers on the account can be shown.

Contact us today to learn more about our very affordable signature verification system and how we can help safeguard your business.

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